20 – 24.10.2021

Papa Srapa

Noise revelation

Konstantin Ivanov & Nikita Kabardin, 2020, Russia

Digital, Color, Russian w English subs, 75’

International premiere

Jeudi 21, 18:30, EJMA

Vendredi 22, 16:00, EJMA

Inspired by the Soviet pioneers of 1920s noise music Dziga Vertov and Arseny Avraamov, whom he considers to be the true fathers of noise music, Papa Srapa is a grouchy sixty-year-old anarchist who likes to smash theories about music genres. After four decades of experimentation under the influence of alcohol, he is now perceived by his peers as the great electronic shaman of the Russian underground scene. Which does not please him. With the help of numerous images of improbable performances, directors Ivanov and Kabardin have managed - so much the better - to paint a portrait of this gruff artist who is quicker to demolish journalists' cameras than to grant them interviews.


Other documentaries:

> Alien on Stage - Lucy Harvey & Danielle Kummer, 2020, UK, 86'
> Lost Boys - Sadri Cetinkaya & Joonas Neuvonen, 2020, Finland, 99'
> Lydia Lunch: The War Is Never Over - Beth B, 2019, USA, 77'
> The Scars of Ali Boulala - Max Eriksson, 2021, Sweden / Norway, 100'
> Sisters With Transistors - Lisa Rovner, 2020, UK, 86'

APCI / LUFF - Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival
Rue des Terreaux 18 bis
1003 Lausanne